Monday, March 26, 2012


coming soon ♥

Saturday, March 24, 2012


mizz those day's

♥♥ Torn apart

SO.. now u ADMIT u FUCK v UR X !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Think About IT ♥

While you're ignoring her, another guy is giving her attention
While u're giving her problems, another guy is listening 2 her explain those problems.
While you're too busy for her, another guy is willing to make time for her.
While you're making her cry, another guy is making her smile again.

♥ While you're not sure if you want her - another guy already figured it out♥

Sunday, March 18, 2012



Friday, March 16, 2012


感情这回事根本不必太认真, 谁要认真谁就是输家


Thursday, March 15, 2012








Wednesday, March 14, 2012

happy birthday MILKY ♥

Wish muh B happy birthday - heart him so much
jie u owes ^^

Tuesday, March 6, 2012



STAGE 1 (1-3 Months): The Honeymoon Stage

Everything seems perfect, both are happy and feeling “in love.” You share moments, dates and just having fun with each other, sharing laughs and giggles. It’s like nothing could stop you. Your feelings are infinite, and for once you’re thinking, “This may work out….” and it seems like nothing could go wrong. You spend hours getting ready before going out with this person.

*If your relationship ended in this stage — Most likely, both rushed into the relationship too quickly. Being together was all too sudden and just for the moment. When one starts noticing the flaws, one gets a choice to move foward, or back away. Being friends has a high percentage of working out, but nothing to stress over. Both may just need the time to get to know one another better.


STAGE 2 (4-6 months): The Bumpy Road

Things are going okay now. The relationship is calm and settled; both are still mostly happy. Had a couple arguments and disagreements here and there, nothing huge. Start to notice some of each other’s flaws and aspects of their personalities not seen before, but still truly care for one another.

*If your relationship ended in this stage — You truly cared about this person. You had the energy to fight for this person, yet you feel as if something was lacking, something was missing. It doesn’t feel right, one isn’t happy. When one isn’t happy, one tends to walk away to seek their new happiness. Being friends is still a possibility.


STAGE 3 (7-12 months): The Rocky Mountain

You start to realize who your partner really is. A few more arguments may occur. Problems with jealously, overprotectiveness may arise. Other people may come in the picture. The “in love” moments start to decrease, but you feel as if you’ve “fallen in love.” You tend to have this energy inside to strive and “make it work,” and you feel more comfortable being around this person, feeling more of yourself.

*If your relationship ends in this stage — You feel as if you’re hurt, depending on the circumstances. You were so sure that that person was “The One.” You were so SURE that he/she was different. But like a cancer, a problem that may have happened, a small issue, grew into something larger that took over what was made between two people. You still miss this person from time to time. You still remember the memories. Being friends may be difficult right away, but over time, you slowly mature up, and learn the reality of it.


STAGE 4 (1 year or more): The Long Road

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 years, huh? This person truly means something to you. You are “in love” with this person. He/she made a difference in your life. No one else knows you more than this person. You guys have been through the good, the bad, and the ugly, and still strive to make it last.

*If your relationship ends in this stage — You feel heartbroken; it’s tough. You can’t sleep, can’t eat, you miss him/her, you try to move on, you try meeting new people, but seems like nothing works. For whatever reason the split occured, it must’ve been something important, or something must have been so wrong that it took over. Being “just friends” is impossible, because if you tried to be friends, you wouldn’t be able to think of them in any other way besides the one you once “loved.”






女人故意在你面前提到别的男人 不是她花心



不是不想你 是她不够自信。



Thursday, March 1, 2012

the EXOdesk, a touch screen computer desk

Check out the new EXOdesk, brought by EXOpc. The desk is a touch-screen desk top that allows you to keep your fingers busy doing work all over the screen of your desk. The desk is guaranteed to make those who are willing to pay the $1299.
Similar to the Samsung SUR40 for Microsoft Surface , the EXOdesk is a tabletop computer that allows you to physically move virtual objects and manipulate them. However, the price of the Microsoft Surface 2.0 was announced to be around $8,900, making the EXOdesk feel like a steal!
With a virtual keyboard, an RSS feed stream and other apps displayed in the video, you can get a good feel for what the product will appear and act like in person. We don’t have an exact release date yet, but we do know that the EXOdesk will be released sometime in 2012.

* Gosh , it feels like Tom Cruise in Minority Report. *